Games? Apps? Software? Irinae does it all and more

Unity Engine

Development and prototyping of games 3D or 2D using one of the most popular engines in the market.

Font Awesome Pro 5.15.4 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license (Commercial License)

Unreal Engine

Development and prototyping of games or aplications with the most powerfull real-time 3D creation tool.

Mobile games

Creation and development of games to one of the most popular markets in the last decade.

PC Games

Creation and development of games for the second most used gaming platform.

Web Apps

Creation and Development of any idea for any web environment.

Android Apps

Design and development for the most used mobile operating system in the world.

iOS Apps

Design and development for apple's powerful operating system.

Other Platforms

Create, design and innovate in any software environment.


Design software from scratch to solve any possible challenge.


Create visual and interactive representations for any idea before committing to a whole project.

VR/AR Experiences

Create virtual reality or augmented reality projects with the best technologies in the market.

Enterprise Software

Design and development of software for any industry.

Software Development Courses

Teach to all those who want to take their career on to the next level.

3D Modeling Courses

Teach everything you need to create complete 3D models for any platform.

Tailored assets

Create assets for diverse specifications.

Motion Graphics and Animation

Design and create Lottie Files, 3D, Vector, PixelArt and more.

Software Development Service

Software is the problem-solving tool of today. If you would like software built for you, feel free to contact us.

More details


  • Don't hesitate to send us an email or just use the contact form below, we are thrilled to work with you.
  • contact@irinae.com